Railing Against the Company Union: The State, Union Substitution, and the Montréal Tramways Strike of 1943 Sean Tucker, Brian Thorn 41-70 PDF
Iron and Steel Unionism in Canada and Australia, 1900-1914: The Impact of the State, Ethnicity, Management, and Locality Greg Patmore 71-105 PDF
A Labour Force for the Consumer Century: Commodification in Canada's Largest Department Stores, 1890 to 1940 Donica Belisle 107-144 PDF
The Industrialization of Tree Harvesting Systems in the Eastern Canadian Forest, 1955-1995 Peter MacDonald, Michael Clow 145-167 PDF
Is Sex Work? Re-assessing Feminist Debates About Sex, Work, and Money Gerald Hunt, Line Chamberland 203-216 PDF