‘The Comforts of Married Life’: Metis Family Life, Labour, and the Hudson’s Bay Company Brenda MacDougall 9-40 PDF
‘Living the same as the white people’: Mohawk and Anishinabe Women’s Labour in Southern Ontario, 1920-1940 Robin Jarvis Brownlie 41-68 PDF
The Cultural Economy of Survival: The Mi’kmaq of Cape Breton in the Mid-19th Century Andrew Parnaby 69-98 PDF
‘Building the Great Lucrative Fishing Industry’: Aboriginal Gillnet Fishers and Protests over Salmon Fishery Regulations for the Nass and Skeena Rivers, 1950’s-1960’s Miriam Wright 99-130 PDF
The Indigenous Foundation of the Resource Economy of BC’s North Coast Charles R. Menzies, Caroline F. Butler 131-150 PDF
The Constitutional Right to Bargain Collectively: The Ironies of Labour History in the Supreme Court of Canad Eric Tucker 151-180 PDF
The Saga of History 492: The Transformation of Working-Class History in One Classroom Jim Barrett, Diane Koenker 181-214 PDF
Writing Chinese Labour History: Changes and Continuities in Labour Historiography Shiling McQuaide 215-238 PDF
Diversity and Transformation within Varieties of Capitalism, Work, and Employment: The Sustainability of Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism Geoffrey Wood 251-262 PDF